ZMA202100012 Skyline Ridge. PROJECT: ZMA202100012 Skyline Ridge Apartments (Digital) – Zoning Map Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Jack Jouett TAX MAP/PARCEL: 060000000040C8 LOCATION: Colonnade Dr, approximately 1200 linear feet south of the intersection of Colonnade Drive and Ivy Road (Route 250) PROPOSAL: Zoning map amendment (ZMA) to amend the preserved steep slopes within the previously approved development area for the Skyline Ridge project. ZONING: R15 Residential – 15 units/acre PROFFERS: No ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: No OVERLAY DISTRICT: Airport Impact Area, Steep Slope Overlay COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: (1) Urban Density Residential – residential (6.01-34 units/acre); supporting uses such as places of worship, schools, public and institutional uses, neighborhood scale commercial, office and service uses. (2) Parks and Green Systems – parks, playgrounds, play fields, greenways, trails, paths, recreational facilities and equipment, plazas, outdoor sitting areas, natural areas, preservation ...