AGENDA DATE: 12/1/2021
Stream Health Initiative Phase II
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Work session to discuss proposals for improving stream health in the Rural Area and to receive Board direction regarding final selection and prioritization of proposals.
ITEM TYPE: Regular Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Kamptner, Herrick, Filardo, McCulley, Rapp, Maliszewski, Pohl, Biasiolli
PRESENTER (S): Kim Biasiolli, Frank Pohl, Greg Harper, Laurel Williamson
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: In 2017, the Board of Supervisors directed staff to develop strategies for improving stream health in the county; this project is called the Stream Health Initiative. Phase I (2018-present) had a Development Area focus and resulted in thirteen proposals. In a public hearing on April 21, 2021, the Board voted to address a subset; work on others is phased due to staff resource needs.
Phase II has a Rural Area focus. The goal of Phase II is to develop strategies for improving stream health that are supported by the communities, landowners, and organizations that live and work in the Rural Area, using a collaborative and inclusive process. Phase II project updates were provided to the Board on November 18, 2020, April 7, 2021, and July 21, 2021.
Phase II public engagement, underway since January 2021, resulted in 16 recommended strategies presented during a Board work session on July 21, 2021. The Board expressed support for selected strategies and directed staff to further research and develop proposals. Staff is returning now to the Board with 14 proposals based on the strategies, staff analysis, community feedback, and input from the Board.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Natural Resources Stewardship - Thoughtfully protect and manage Albemarle County's ecosystems and natural resources in both the rural and development areas to safeguard the quality of life of current and future generations.
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