AGENDA DATE: 2/6/2019
Community Development Work Program, 2019-2022
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Assure alignment between the Board's interest and the Community Development Department (CDD) work program
ITEM TYPE: Regular Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Graham
PRESENTER (S): Mark Graham
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this work session is to consider the Board's interests, as expressed by established priorities and newer initiatives, and assure that CDD is responsive to the Board. The Board's Strategic Plan Priorities and previously established work program initiatives have provided good direction, but staff recognizes there remains an interest in a number of other initiatives that are not yet part of CDD's work program.
The ongoing challenge is to assure staff remains focused on completing established priorities, while being responsive to emerging interests of the Board.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality Government Operations: Ensure County government's ability to provide high quality service that achieves community priorities
DISCUSSION: Staff is not recommending a solution at this meeting. Instead, we hope to engage the Board in a dialogue to assure we are being responsive to emerging interests without sacrificing established expectations. The visionary aspects of the Board's interests excites staff, but there is an ongoing essential need to prioritize these opportunities without sacrificing established expectations, such as maintaining the quality of work and public engagement.
First, Attachment A provides a summary of previously identified interests of the Planning Commission and Board. Staff prioritized this list into three groups: committed projects where CDD is the lead, committed projects where CDD provides support to other departments, and finally, a list of potential projects that have yet to be prioritized due to resource constrain...
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