AGENDA DATE: 5/19/2021
Update on the Broadway Blueprint Economic Revitalization Study
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Review progress-to-date and receive direction to integrate new core value of Community into the Broadway Blueprint Study
ITEM TYPE: Regular Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Kamptner, DeLoria, Johnson, Newberry
PRESENTER (S): Roger Johnson
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Part of Albemarle County’s investment in 2018 for the redevelopment of the historic Woolen Mills site and the expansion of WillowTree included $50,000 in funding for a future economic revitalization study along the Broadway Street corridor. The study aimed to provide strategies to leverage public and private investments associated with the redevelopment and reuse of the Woolen Mills site to further enhance business activity on the corridor. On November 20, 2019, the Board accepted an interim study that included goals for three focus areas: economic vitality, connectivity, and placemaking (Attachment A). Staff intended to present strategies for each of these focus areas in April 2020, but instead pivoted resources to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Economic Prosperity - Foster an environment that stimulates diversified job creation, capital investments, and tax revenues that support community goals.
DISCUSSION: The Broadway Street corridor has remained active throughout the pandemic despite the economic challenges it continues to create for our community. There are notable changes to observe both on the corridor as well as within the County since the interim study was accepted by the Board in late 2019. As a result, staff would like to provide an update on the progress of the Broadway Blueprint Study and affirm the Board’s direction for completing it. Specifically, staff is seeking the Board’s concurrence to apply an equity lens to the study by using tools like the equity impact assessment in order to better ensure that the study reflects the County’s new core value, Community - we expect diversity, equity and inclusion to be integrated into how we live our mission. The stakeholder engagement conducted to-date is included as reference in Attachment B.
BUDGET IMPACT: In accordance with the approved investment package for the redevelopment of the Woolen Mills site, the County budgeted $50,000 for an economic revitalization plan. A total of $12,800 has been expended thus far in support of this effort and no additional funding is needed to complete the final phase.
Staff is seeking feedback from the Board and concurrence to proceed with the final phase of the Broadway Blueprint Study.
A - Interim Study
B - Overview of Completed Stakeholder Engagement