ZMA202300016 Stonefield Amendment. PROJECT: ZMA202300016 Stonefield Code of Development Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Jack Jouett TAX MAP/PARCEL: 061W0-03-00-019A0 LOCATION: 1951 Swanson Drive, near its intersection with Hydraulic Rd. PROPOSAL: Amend the Code of Development for the NMD to allow motor vehicle sales as a use by-right. Currently, the use requires a special use permit. No new dwellings or change in residential density proposed. ZONING CATEGORY/GENERAL USAGE: NMD Neighborhood Model District - residential (3 – 34 units/acre) mixed with commercial, service and industrial uses COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: Urban Mixed Use (in areas around Centers) – commercial and retail uses that are not accommodated in Centers and residential (3 – 34 units/ acre). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes.