AGENDA DATE: 2/21/2024
Resolution of Intent for a Potential Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) to Permit Residential Use in Commercial Zoning Districts
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Consider a Resolution of Intent to analyze a potential zoning text amendment to permit residential use in certain commercial zoning districts.
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Rosenberg, Herrick, Filardo, Svoboda
PRESENTER (S): Bart Svoboda
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: In April 2019, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) released the Comprehensive Regional Housing Study and Needs Analysis. The report identified the need for an additional 10,070 affordable housing units in Albemarle County by the year 2040. On July 7, 2021, the Board approved Housing Albemarle, the County's new housing policy, but delayed implementation of the following elements until a package of developer incentives to support the construction of affordable housing could be approved and implemented:
1) the increased percentage of affordable housing units in residential developments subject to rezonings or special use permits;
2) the increase in compliance periods for affordable housing units; and
3) the new price levels for both affordable for-sale and for-rent units.
Based on feedback received from several work sessions, including the December 2023 and January 2024 work sessions, staff drafted an Affordable Rental Housing Incentive Program (ARHIP) for the Board's consideration. Analyzing the potential for additional housing options with this program may include amending certain existing commercial zoning districts to allow residential uses. Additional uses may allow for affordable housing options that currently do not exist.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality of Life - Encourage a vibrant community with economic and recreational opportunities that serve all community members.?
DISCUSSION: Staff se...
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