AGENDA DATE: 10/18/2023
Zoning Modernization Phase I Report
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Receive a report of current progress of Phase I and future phases of Zoning Modernization (ZTA2022-02)
ITEM TYPE: Regular Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Rosenberg, Herrick, Filardo, Svoboda, MacCall, Brumfield
PRESENTER (S): Lea Brumfield, Bart Svoboda
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: In early 2022, staff engaged a consulting firm, the Berkeley Group, to assist with a multi-year effort to modernize the County’s zoning and subdivision ordinances. This work has been planned in coordination with the update of the County’s Comprehensive Plan, AC44, underway. The proposed amendments are intended to establish more efficient administrative procedures, provide a clear and user-friendly format, and create an adaptive, modern ordinance that meets the current needs of Albemarle County. By addressing the zoning modernization process in a comprehensive manner, staff will be able to involve multiple levels of stakeholders, including staff, residents, developers, and landowners.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality of Life - Encourage a vibrant community with economic and recreational opportunities that serve all community members.
DISCUSSION: Over the past year, staff has worked with consultants from the Berkley Group to develop a framework for the Zoning Modernization project and to begin drafting the ordinance for Phase I of the project. Following a period of public engagement, staff worked with the consultants to draft the proposed Articles 1 and 2, covering the general authority for a zoning ordinance and zoning map and the appointment and powers of bodies such as the Planning Commission and Architectural Review Board, and the powers and responsibilities of the Zoning Administrator.
After these two articles were discussed at a Planning Commission work session, staff began work on Article 3, covering application types and procedures, and Article 10, covering nonconformities. Staff’s presentation will cover a broad overview of this initial work, ordinance best practices, and a detailed description of expected future phases.
BUDGET IMPACT: The Zoning Modernization project is fully funded through the end of Phase I and no additional funding is requested currently.
Staff recommends the Board receive the presentation as a project update.
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