AGENDA DATE: 8/2/2023
Public Hearing for a Chapter 9 Ordinance Amendment Authorizing Photo Speed Monitoring Devices in School Crossing and Highway Work Zones BODY
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: To conduct a public hearing to consider an ordinance to amend Chapter 9 of the County Code authorizing photo speed monitoring devices.
ITEM TYPE: Regular Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Henry, Rosenberg, Farley
PRESENTER (S): Amanda Farley
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: In 2020, the Commonwealth of Virginia passed §46.2-882.1 authorizing the use of photo speed monitoring devices in school crossing and highway work zones. The proposed ordinance (Attachment A) would enable the County through its Police Department to install such devices and administer a speed enforcement program in school crossing zones and highway work zones. In addition, adopting the proposed ordinance would authorize County staff to contract with a private vendor to administer some aspects of the program on the County’s behalf. The proposed ordinance would also require organizational changes and related amendments to Chapter 9, Article 5.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Mission - To enhance the well-being and quality of life for all community members through the provision of the of the highest level of public service consistent with the prudent use of public funds
DISCUSSION: Albemarle County Code Chapter 9, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article 5, Video-Monitoring System, as currently constituted, authorizes and regulates the school division’s use of video-monitoring systems on school buses. The proposed ordinance amendment (Attachment A) would create a second division to Article 5-“Photo Speed Monitoring Devices”-authorizing the use of photo speed monitoring devices in school crossing zones and highway work zones. In addition, the proposed ordinance would address the County’s contracting for services with a private vendor to administer the logistical components of a speed enforcement program in these zones. If the proposed ordinance is adopted and the new Division 2. is codified, County staff will begin procurement of a vendor to assist in implementing a speed enforcement program in school crossing and highway work zones. Other changes to Article 5 are proposed, reflecting organization into divisions and minor stylistic amendments.
BUDGET IMPACT: If adopted, there will be costs associated with the procurement and ongoing maintenance of the services by the private vendor. If approved, further Board discussion of potential revenues, related expenditures, and related policy direction would be held in the context of the County’s long-range financial planning or annual budget process.
Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached proposed ordinance (Attachment A).
A - Proposed Ordinance