AGENDA DATE: 6/15/2022
Acquisition of Conservation Easements (ACE) Program Review Update
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Present a plan to review the County's conservation programs, including ACE
ITEM TYPE: Regular Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, DeLoria, Filardo, Rapp, Perkins, Maliszewski, Clark
PRESENTER (S): Maliszewski, Clark
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
Conservation Programs Review: On September 15, 2021, Community Development staff presented an overview of the County's easement programs to the Board of Supervisors (Attachment A). As part of the overview, staff noted that although the ACE program has been updated occasionally over the last two decades, the overall program design has not been altered since 2001. Current County initiatives to update the Comprehensive Plan and implement goals of the Stream Health Initiative, as well as the Climate Action Plan, provide an ideal time to review and assess the ACE program. Reviewing the ACE program in coordination with these other efforts will provide an opportunity to better align priorities and establish new goals for the future of the program. In March of 2022, following several references to the ACE program in budget discussions, the Program Review Timeline (Attachment B) was shared with the Board.
ACE Easement Acquisition: On September 15, 2021, Community Development staff presented preliminary appraisal information on the Campbell and Henley properties from the 2020 class of ACE easements. The Board directed staff to obtain final appraisals for both properties. Those appraisals were received in December 2021 and are valid through December 2022. They match the preliminary estimates reported to the Board in September: $722,000 for the Campbell easement and $133,500 for the Henley easement.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Natural Resources - Thoughtfully protect and manage Albemarle County's ecosystems and natural resources in both the rural...
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