AGENDA DATE: 3/2/2022
Virginia Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Public Hearing on the availability of CDBG funding and to receive input on community development and housing needs.
ITEM TYPE: Regular Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Kamptner, Baumgartner, Dimock, Pethia
PRESENTER (S): Stacy Pethia
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: The Virginia Community Development Block Grant (VCDBG) is a federally-funded grant program administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Since 1982, the DHCD has provided funding to eligible units of local government (non-entitlement communities only) for projects that address critical community needs including housing, infrastructure, and economic development. Albemarle County has received numerous grants in previous years to support housing and community improvement initiatives. The VCDBG application process requires that two local public hearings be conducted. The purpose of the first public hearing is to provide information on eligible activities that may be funded by CDBG, the amount of funding estimated to be available, and past activities undertaken with CDBG funds, and to receive public comment on this information and potential community development and housing needs. The follow-up public hearing is held in order to consider proposed project applications and must take place prior to the DHCD application due date April 1, 2022. Applications must be submitted by the County to the DHCD; however, the proposed activities may be undertaken by partner agencies.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality Government Operations - Ensure County government’s capacity to provide high quality service that achieves community priorities.
DISCUSSION: Albemarle County, as a non-entitlement community, is eligible to apply to the DHCD for up to approximately $1.5 million in CDBG funding for projects that benefit low- and moderate-income persons, prevent slums and blight, or address urgent community needs. Eligible activities include economic development, housing rehabilitation, housing production, community facilities and community service facilities. Community development projects can receive varying levels of funding, depending on the nature of the activity, or by combining multiple activities. In calendar year 2022, $ 9,750,503 is available for competitive grants and $6 million for open submission applications.
Over the years, Albemarle County has been successful in receiving a number of CDBG grant awards. The most recent grant was awarded in 2021 for the construction of five single-family homes and a Monacan Indian Nation Tribute Park as part of the Southwood Redevelopment project. This project is approximately fifty percent (50%) complete. The most recently completed project rehabilitated 29 owner-occupied homes in the Alberene neighborhood. Prior grants have resulted in improved infrastructure and preservation of owner-occupied homes and rental units. The County is currently working with Habitat for Humanity on a CDBG Planning Grant to assist in developing a preliminary design for the first village in Southwood.
For any project to be considered by the County for CDBG funding, the applicant must notify the County no later than March 11, 2022. This notice shall include a brief description of the project, the proposed use of CDBG funds, and a description of the beneficiaries of the proposed activity. A completed application that includes the proposed budget and all required attachments shall be submitted to the County electronically by the County by March 18, 2022.
BUDGET IMPACT: There is no budgetary impact until an application is made to the DHCD and approved for a funded project. Projects approved for CDBG funding generally require some level of local funding support, which may include funding provided by the project sponsor.
Staff recommends that the Board receive information on available CDBG funding and eligible uses and hold the public hearing to receive input from the public on potential community development and housing needs. Staff also recommends that the Board set a public hearing for March 16, 2022 for the second required public hearing to review and approve the submission of any proposed applications to the DHCD.
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