ZTA202100003 Bonus Densities. PROJECT: ZTA202100003 Public Hearing on Zoning Text Amendment to Condense and Clarify Bonus Density Provisions. This proposed ordinance would amend the following sections of County Code Chapter 18 (Zoning): Sections 18-2.4 (Intent of bonus factor provisions) and 18-32.7 (Minimum standards for improvements) - to consolidate and simplify the bonus factors currently repeated separately in each zoning district’s regulations, and align the bonus factors with existing regulations in the ordinance; Sections 18-12.3 (Area and bulk regulations), 18-12.4 (Bonus factors), 12-13.3 (Area and bulk regulations), 18-13.4 (Bonus factors), 18-14.3 (Area and bulk regulations), 18-14.4 (Bonus factors), 18-15.3 (Area and bulk regulations), 18-15.4 (Bonus factors), 18-16.3 (Area and bulk regulations), 18-16 .4 (Bonus factors), 18-17.3 (Area and bulk regulations), 18-17.4 (Bonus factors), 18-18.3 (Area and bulk regulations), 18-18.4 (Bonus factors) - to eliminate repetitive text...