AGENDA DATE: 7/15/2020
Albemarle Agency Budget Review Team (ABRT) FY 22 Application Process
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Approve Recommended improvements to ABRT FY 22 Application Process
ITEM TYPE: Regular Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Allshouse, L, Savides, Russell, Pethia
PRESENTER (S): Lori Allshouse, Siri Russell, Phyllis Savides
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: The Agency Budget Review Team (ABRT) was created in 1991 as a joint City/County process utilized to review funding requests received by the City and County from community non-profit agencies. Over the years, the City and County refined the ABRT process to include the use of an objective rating tool and outcome measures, updated criteria, and alignment with funding priorities and human service-related goals.
The City and County began to implement separate approaches to the human services non-profit Human Services application review process beginning in FY 20.
The County’s FY 20 and 21 ABRT process continued to include volunteer citizens and County staff members on teams that reviewed and scored funding requests from human services non-profit agencies based on the County’s Human Services goals. The County’s ABRT reached consensus ratings for each of the program applications they reviewed. The County’s ABRT process has been facilitated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the team process has been supported by a temporary employee. The County’s FY 21 Budget includes $1.67 Million in funding for ABRT community non-profit agencies.
While the County implemented a separate ABRT application review process for FY 20 and FY 21, the County continued to utilize the City’s electronic application portal (Zoom Grants) to accept human services applications for County funding and utilized the corresponding joint City/County scoring instrument to rate applications.
STRATEGIC PLAN: To enhance the well-being and quality of life for all citizens through the provision of the highest level of public service consistent with the prudent use of public funds.
DISCUSSION: After the adoption of the FY 21 Budget, a team of County staff from the Department of Social Services, the Office of Equity and Inclusion, the Community Development Department, and Office of Management and Budget met to review the ABRT process and to make recommendations for improvements for the upcoming year. The Team reviewed the FY 21 ABRT survey results, the ABRT-related Human Services goals, the application questionnaire, the City’s Zoom Grants application submittal portal, and the corresponding scoring instrument.
Based on the review, the team has identified a number of desired improvements for the FY 22 human services non-profit agency application process that is scheduled to begin in late summer. These improvements include: 1) Recommended updates to the County’s Human Services goals (Attachment A) to include a focus on equity and inclusion and to support the community’s COVID-19 goals; and 2) A Recommended subscription to a County grant application software system that can be utilized for the County’s Human Services application process (ABRT) as well as the County’s Arts and Cultural contributions and Housing Fund grant application processes.
If these recommendations are approved, the team will amend the grant application questionnaire and scoring criteria matrix to improve alignment with the County’s goals and improve efficiency prior to the FY 22 application timeline.
On July 15, staff will bring forth recommended improvements for the upcoming FY 22 ABRT process for the Board’s review and approval. If approved, staff will incorporate these changes into the FY 22 application process and will bring forward an appropriation request to subscribe to an electronic application software system.
BUDGET IMPACT: The cost for the grants application software system subscription which be utilized beginning with the FY 22 application process will be less than $5,000 per year. The City’s Zoom Grant application portal will continue to be utilized by City and the County for the remaining jointly funded City/County agency applications.
Staff recommends that the Board support their recommended changes to the ABRT-related Human Services Goals, the purchase of a County application system.
Attachment A: Recommended Human Services Goals