AGENDA DATE: 8/18/2021
ZTA202100003 Resolution of Intent for Proposed Zoning Text Amendment for Bonus Density Improvements
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Adopt a Resolution of Intent to initiate a zoning text amendment to condense and clarify the bonus density provisions available in residential zoning districts, and to align the standards for all zoning districts for consistency with existing ordinances.
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Kamptner, Herrick, Filardo, Svoboda, Brumfield
PRESENTER (S): Lea Brumfield
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Bonuses to allow additional residential units above the default density are available in all residential zoning districts to encourage development that meets the County's strategic goals of environmental protection, dedication of public land, preservation of open space, affordable housing, and others. These bonuses were last comprehensively amended in 1985, and in the interim, the County's subdivision requirements and development regulations have changed, rendering some bonuses unnecessary. Additionally, the bonus density regulations have been amended piecemeal, leading to inconsistencies in those regulations and the need for amendment. This Zoning Text Amendment is part of a larger effort to modernize the Zoning Ordinance, as shown on the work plan for Fiscal Year 2022.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality Government Operations - Ensure County government's capacity to provide high quality service that achieves community priorities.
DISCUSSION: This Zoning Text Amendment does not propose substantive changes to the Zoning Ordinance, and therefore, does not include a public engagement process. As part of a larger effort to further the County's Comprehensive Goal to encourage high quality, mixed-use areas and neighborhoods in the Development Area, this Zoning Text Amendment will provide a consistent framework for the implementation of...
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