AGENDA DATE: 6/12/2024
Board of Supervisors' Compensation
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Conduct a public hearing concerning a proposed ordinance amending County Code ? 2-202 to increase the Board of Supervisors' compensation by 2%
ITEM TYPE: Regular Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Rice, Rosenberg
PRESENTER (S): Jessica Rice
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Virginia Code ? 15.2-1414.3 enables boards of supervisors to establish annual board members' salaries by ordinance, and limits the maximum annual salary based on localities' populations. It also provides that the maximum annual salaries provided for each population bracket may be adjusted by an inflation factor not to exceed five percent.
The Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance in 1984, establishing the Board members' salaries effective July 1, 1985. Since 1998, the Board has consistently increased members' salaries by an amount equal to the average salary increase provided to employees of the County.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Workforce & Customer Service - Recruit & retain engaged public servants who provide quality government services to advance our mission.
DISCUSSION: The County implemented a 2% Cost of Living Adjustment for staff, effective January 1, 2024, to support increasing wages in response to inflation and to remain competitive with employers in our area. Board member pay did not increase at that time because the state code requires that consideration of compensation adjustments for a board of supervisors occur between May 1 and June 30 each year, with any changes to be effective as of July 1 of the following fiscal year.
Staff has prepared a proposed ordinance (Attachment A) to amend County Code ? 2-202 to increase the compensation of Board members by 2%, to include the stipends for the Board chair and vice-chair, which the Board can consider following the public hearing. Consistent with the state code, the ordina...
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