AGENDA DATE: 4/3/2024
Resolution of Intent to Amend the Rio29 Form Based Code Zoning Ordinance
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Consider a Resolution of Intent for a potential Zoning Text Amendment to amend the Rio29 Form Based Code Ordinance
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Rosenberg, Herrick, Filardo, Barnes, McDermott, Maliszewski
PRESENTER (S): Margaret Maliszewski, Planning Manager
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: The Rio29 Small Area Plan was adopted by the Board on December 12, 2018. The Plan establishes a vision for the Rio29 area that calls for improving multi-modal connectivity, creating a vibrant mixed-use community, and enhancing the area through conservation and public amenities. The Rio29 Form Based Code (County Code § 18-20C) was adopted on September 1, 2021, to help achieve the Rio29 Small Area Plan vision and to allow the desired form of development through a by-right process.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Infrastructure and Placemaking: Invest in infrastructure and amenities that create connection, opportunity, and well-being.
DISCUSSION: The first two site development plan applications received under the Form Based Code were reviewed beginning in 2022. Those reviews have revealed some problematic ordinance provisions. A Zoning Text Amendment would improve both the Form Based Code, the application review process, and the ultimate development of the Rio29 area.
BUDGET IMPACT: This planned work will be completed with the assistance of a consultant using funds in the Community Development Department budget.
Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution of Intent (Attachment A) to amend the Rio29 Form Based Code (County Code § 18-20C) and any other Zoning Ordinance sections deemed appropriate.
A - Proposed Resolution of Intent