AGENDA DATE: 12/11/2024
Membership in the Charlottesville-Albemarle Regional Transit Authority
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Resolution approving Albemarle County's membership in the Charlottesville - Albemarle Regional Transit Authority
ITEM TYPE: Regular Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Herrick
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: In 2009, the General Assembly created the Charlottesville-Albemarle Regional Transit Authority (CARTA). CARTA's powers include to prepare regional transit plans and execute these plans by means of entering into contracts and agreements for transit and other supporting services. The City of Charlotteville and Albemarle County are the initial members of CARTA, upon adoption of a resolution by their respective governing bodies. The counties of Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson may also join CARTA. Additionally, private nonprofit tourist-driven agencies, public transit agencies, and higher education agencies may join as members. The enabling legislation provides for CARTA to have a governing board comprised of two Charlottesville City Councilors, two Albemarle County Supervisors, and one commissioner from each additional joining county. Other members would have non-voting Board representation.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Infrastructure & Placemaking - Invest in infrastructure and amenities that create connection, opportunity and well-being. Implement long-range plans to embrace multimodal connectivity.
DISCUSSION: In 2022, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, working collaboratively with its members, developed a Transit Vision Plan that identifies a clear long-term vision to efficient, equitable, and effective transit services for the region. Building on the Transit Vision Plan, the Transit Governance Study, completed in 2024, recommended the activation of CARTA, both to function as a collaborative multi-jurisdictional e...
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