AGENDA DATE: 3/5/2025
AC44: Parks, Recreation and Open Space
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request for Board feedback on the draft Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Chapter, with particular emphasis upon the draft actions.
ITEM TYPE: Regular Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Filardo, Barnes, McDermott, Swartzendruber, Kanellopoulos, Holt
PRESENTER (S): Ben Holt, Senior Planner II and Tim Padalino, Chief of Parks Planning
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Albemarle County is updating the Comprehensive Plan through the Albemarle County 2044 (AC44) project. The project is in Phase 3: drafting language for the four-part Comprehensive Plan document and developing Plan actions.
The draft language for the Part III - Parks, Recreation, and Open Space chapter in Attachment B is built upon community input and reflects the Planning Commission's and Board's feedback.
Albemarle County's parks and recreation facilities, greenways, and open space areas enhance the quality of life for community members by providing exercise, physically active transportation connections, social interaction, and connection to nature. These publicly accessible amenities, and associated land, also aid in the preservation of natural landscapes, historic resources, and habitat, while providing enhanced climate resilience. Managed parks and athletic facilities offer active recreation opportunities, such as playgrounds and organized sports programs. Preserved nature areas, greenways, and blueways (waterway trails) provide a means for passive recreation, such as walking, biking, paddling, fishing and enjoying nature.
The majority of Albemarle County's large parks and open spaces are located within the Rural Area, which contains 95% of the County land area. Given the allocation of dedicated land and recreation amenities within the Rural Area, AC44 places special emphasis upon expanding the parks, open sp...
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