AGENDA DATE: 12/11/2024
Schedule a Public Hearing for Spot Blight Ordinance for 5624 Brownsville Road, Parcel ID 05600-00-00-026E1
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Schedule a Public Hearing for Spot Blight Ordinance for 5624 Brownsville Road, Parcel ID 05600-00-00-026E1
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Herrick, Filardo, Svoboda, Green, Boone
PRESENTER (S): Jalen Boone, Lisa Green
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Blighted and deteriorated properties can have negative safety, economic, and environmental impacts on properties and neighborhoods, resulting in unsafe communities and other public nuisances.
"Blighted property" is defined as a structure or improvement that is dilapidated or deteriorated because it violates minimum health and safety standards (Virginia Code ? 36-3). Though blight is more often considered in the context of Development Areas; it exists also in the Rural Area.
The Community Development Department (CDD) currently administers several regulations that relate to blight and building maintenance: uncontrolled vegetation (County Code ? 7-501 et seq.), stagnant water (County Code ? 7-505 et seq.), inoperable vehicles (County Code ? 9-500), trash and refuse (County Code ? 13-302), safety/health-related upkeep of residential rental properties (Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (USBC) ? 104.1), unsafe buildings and structures (County Code ? 5-300 et seq.), and Zoning Ordinance provisions that prohibit junk yards (County Code ? 18-5.1.10).
On April 6, 2016, the Board authorized staff to address problem properties using the County's spot blight abatement authority enabled by Virginia Code ? 36-49.1:1.
On December 1, 2021, the Board directed staff to continue to pursue spot blight abatement using the County's current authority and to report back on the results. Since that time, seven properties have been investigated, with six properties ...
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