AGENDA DATE: 1/17/2024
AC44 Work Session: Draft Goals and Objectives for Environmental Stewardship, Historic Resources, Parks and Recreation, Housing, and Economic Development
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Provide feedback on AC44 Comprehensive Plan draft Goals and Objectives for: Environmental Stewardship, Parks and Recreation, Historic, Scenic, and Cultural Resources, Housing, and Economic Development.
ITEM TYPE: Regular Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Filardo, McDermott, Kanellopoulos
PRESENTER (S): Tori Kanellopoulos, Principal Planner
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Albemarle County is updating the Comprehensive Plan through the Albemarle County 2044 (AC44) project, which is currently in Phase 2. Deliverables for Phase 2 include draft Goals and Objectives for each Comprehensive Plan chapter and Planning Toolkits for coordinated land use and transportation planning. The draft Goals and Objectives for each Comprehensive Plan chapter are developed through collaboration by an interdisciplinary team of staff, in coordination with partner agencies, by reviewing the current (2015) Comprehensive Plan, incorporating best planning practices, using the AC44 Framework, and incorporating community, staff, Planning Commission, and Board of Supervisors input. The draft Goals and Objectives are provided as Attachments A-E, with no changes from the earlier drafts shared with the Board on the Consent Agenda for November 1 and 15, 2023.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality of life - Encourage a vibrant community with economic and recreational opportunities that serve all community members.
DISCUSSION: At their October 10 and November 14, 2023, work sessions, the Planning Commission provided feedback on draft Goals and Objectives for the following Comprehensive Plan chapters: Environmental Stewardship, Parks and Recreation, Historic, Scenic, and Cultural Resources, Housing, and Economic D...
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