AGENDA DATE: 2/6/2019
ACDSS FY18 Annual Report
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Presentation of ACDSS FY18 Annual Report
ITEM TYPE: Regular Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Savides
PRESENTER (S): Jennie More, ACDSS Advisory Board Chair
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Virginia Code ? 63.300, all counties in Virginia are required to establish a local board to oversee the provision of social services to its residents. The Board of Supervisors established the Albemarle County Department of Social Services Advisory Board in 1997. One of its required duties is to make an annual report to the Board of Supervisors, concurrent with the Department's budget presentation, concerning the administration of the public welfare program.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality Government Operations: Ensure County government's capacity to provide high quality service that achieves community priorities
DISCUSSION: The FY18 Annual Report, titled "Stronger Together," provides a summary of the Department's programs and services, including the number of cases in each program area for the year, coupled with stories of some of those served. Also included are the Department's Key Performance Indicators and unaudited statements of financial resources. Of note is the new information regarding the Housing Choice Voucher program. Notable increases include the number of Family Partnership Meetings conducted to avoid foster care placement and the number of Long Term Care Medicaid recipients. Our intensive family finding efforts and prevention services continue to keep our foster care numbers down. Finally, the workload measures data show that, in most programs, the department continues to operate with less than the required number of staff as determined by the 2008 VDSS Workload Measures study
BUDGET IMPACT: Funding for the Department of Social Services is included in the County's annual o...
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