AGENDA DATE: 12/7/2016
County Grant Application/Award Report.
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Summary of grant applications submitted during the time period of October 14, 2016 through November 11, 2016.
ITEM TYPE: Consent Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Foley, Walker, Letteri, Kamptner, Allshouse, L. and Shifflett, K
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Thomas C. Foley
BACKGROUND: Pursuant to the County’s Grant Policy and associated procedures, staff provides periodic reports to the Board on the County’s application for and use of grants.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Grant awards provide funding to support a variety of projects supporting the County’s Strategic Plan and the County’s Mission to enhance the well-being and quality of life for all citizens through the provision of the highest level of public service consistent with the prudent use of public funds.
DISCUSSION: The attached Grants Report provides a brief description of one grant application submitted during the time period of October 14, 2016 through November 11, 2016.
This report also includes a comprehensive look at potential Five Year Financial Plan implications if projects and/or programs that are supported by grants are continued with local funding after the grants end. As grant funding ends, recommendations will be included in the County Executive’s proposed annual budgets for the Board’s consideration as to whether local funding should be used to continue those projects and programs. No County funds will be used to fund the continuation of those projects and programs without Board approval.
BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact is noted in the summary of each grant.
Attachment A - Grant Report