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File #: 25-177    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Zoning Map Amendment Status: Public Hearing
File created: 2/13/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 3/5/2025 Final action:
Title: ZMA202300017, SP202300020, and SE202300041 Chestnut Grove Manufactured Home Park Community. Advertised as ZMA202300017 Chestnut Grove Manufactured Home Park. PROJECT: ZMA202300017, SP202300020, and SE202300041 Chestnut Grove Manufactured Home Park Community MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Samuel Miller TAX MAP/PARCEL: 13400-00-00-00400 LOCATION: Adjacent to 9020 Chestnut Grove Rd. On the southside of Chestnut Grove Rd (723) approximately one mile west of the intersection of Chestnut Grove Rd and James River Rd (626). PROPOSAL: Rezone property from Rural Areas to R-4 Residential with a special use permit and special exception application to establish a manufactured home park community. PETITION: Rezone 50.618 acres from Rural Areas to R-4 Residential with a special use permit under section 18-15.2.2(14) to establish a 50 unit manufactured home park on the site. Associated with this request is a special exception application to modify the manufactured home park regulations in section 18-5.3. ZON...
Attachments: 1. Transmittal Summary ZMA202300017, SP202300020, and SE202300041 Chestnut Grove, 2. Att.A - Staff Report, 3. Att.A1 - Application Narrative, 4. Att.A2 - Concept Plan, 5. Att.A3 - Proposed Proffers, 6. Att.A4 - Community Feedback, 7. Att.B - PC Action Letter, 8. Att.C - Final PC Minutes, 9. Att.D – Resolution to Disapprove ZMA202300017, 10. Att.E - Resolution to Disapprove SP202300020, 11. Att.F – Resolution to Disapprove SE202300041
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