AGENDA DATE: 2/5/2025
License Agreement for the Southern Albemarle Convenience Center
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Authorize the County Executive to sign a license agreement with Rivanna Solid Waste Authority to occupy and operate the Southern Albemarle Convenience Center on County-owned parcel ID 12100-00-00-082A2.
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Herrick, Stewart, Dumars, Strother
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: In November 1990, the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle entered a Solid Waste Organizational Agreement, forming the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority (RSWA) to provide all waste disposal services, including recycling programs, for wasted collected in the City and County.
Pursuant to the original agreement and the County's desire for expanded recycling and refuse collection in support of the Climate Action Plan, the Southern Albemarle Convenience Center (SACC) was designed and constructed to serve southern Albemarle County. The SACC is in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District at 6269 Esmont Road in Keene, on County-owned parcel ID 12100-00-00-082A2 (Attachment B).
STRATEGIC PLAN: Infrastructure & Placemaking - Invest in infrastructure and amenities that create connection, opportunity, and well-being.
DISCUSSION: The RSWA has been operating the SACC since June 2023. The RSWA and the County agree that to articulate the relative areas of control and the responsibilities of each party, the parties should enter a license agreement.
The proposed license agreement (Attachment A) outlines the rights and responsibilities regarding the property and the SACC for both RSWA and the County.
The license may be revoked by the County if the RSWA defaults on the license provisions and cannot cure such default within 60 days. Either party may terminate the license upon twelve (12) months advance written notice.
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