AGENDA DATE: 1/6/2021
Personnel Policies P-61 and P-66 Amendments
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Consideration of amendments to personnel policies P-61 and P-66
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Kamptner, Bessette, Gerome, Shigeoka
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Albemarle County Local Government adopted Administrative Policy AP-16, Telework and Alternative Schedules, on October 14, 2020. This policy was under development in early 2020 and was accelerated due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our workforce and service delivery model. Staff identified opportunities to refine existing Personnel Policies in order to align with the flexibility and opportunities created by telework and alternative schedules. Personnel policies are adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality Government Operations - Ensure County government's capacity to provide high quality service that achieves community priorities
DISCUSSION: Staff is proposing updates to Personnel Policies ?P-66, Coverage Due to Inclement Weather or Emergency, and ?P-61, Staff Schedules, Time Tracking, and Compensation Policy, as described in the resolution in Attachment A. The attached proposed drafts include changes related to building closures to include expectations and leave application for teleworking employees. Attachments B and C show the marked up proposed changes and Attachments D and E provide the final draft proposed policies to ?P-61 and ?P-66, respectively.
The proposed changes align to our public service covenant and clarify that:
- the intent is to maintain operations whenever possible;
- only employees required to work at a site that is impacted by a declared inclement weather or emergency will be eligible for essential personnel pay;
- the expectation is that employees will work remotely if possible and will receive building closure leave only when not able ...
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