SP202200022 and SE202200047 Walnut Creek Park Tier III PWSF. PROJECT: SP202200022 and SE202200047 VERIZON - WALNUT CREEK PARK - TIER III PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITIES MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Samuel Miller TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 10000-00-00-03500 LOCATION: The proposed facility is located immediately south of the nearest addressed parcel at 3760 Walnut Creek Park. PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes to construct a 195-foot-tall monopole tower to be used as a Personal Wireless Service Facility. The facility will include a lease area with ground equipment. The applicant has also requested a special exception to allow the antenna to be mounted 18 inches from the face of the tower instead of 12 inches. PETITION: Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facilities are permitted by special use permit in the RA, Rural Areas district in accord with Chapter 18, Section 10.2.2(48) of the Code of Albemarle. A special exception request may be made in accord with Chapter 18, Section 5.1 of the Code ...