AGENDA DATE: 8/18/2021
River View Farm Historical Marker
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request to approve an historical marker for River View Farm at Ivy Creek Natural Area
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Rapp, Maliszewski
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: The Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) has been working with the Office of Equity and Inclusion in support of the Board's initiative to broaden the scope of our publicly-told histories to be more inclusive of our community by obtaining Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR) approval of new historical markers recognizing stories and contributions of women and people of color. The HPC has coordinated with the Ivy Creek Foundation on draft text for a marker commemorating River View Farm at the Ivy Creek Natural Area. The property is jointly owned by Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville. The HPC hopes to meet the VDHR September 1 application submittal deadline for consideration by the Board of Historic Resources in December.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Educational Opportunities - Provide lifelong learning opportunities for all our citizens.
DISCUSSION: The text of the historical marker has been drafted to meet VDHR requirements and will educate the public about the farm, its owners, and their accomplishments:
River View Farm 1870-1975 River View Farm became one of the largest African American farmsteads in the region after Emancipation. Formerly enslaved Hugh Carr and wife Texie Mae Hawkins Carr established and grew the successful farm between 1870-1899. Eldest daughter Mary and husband Conly Greer expanded the over 200-acre farm while she served most notably as principal of Albemarle Training School and he as the first African American Albemarle County Agricultural Extension Agent. For nearly a century, River View Farm served as a model farm and hub for local church,...
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