AGENDA DATE: 2/12/2025
AC44: RA and DA Land Use Chapter and Growth Management Policy Revisions
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request for Board feedback on the revised policies, Objectives, and Actions of the following: Part III - Development Areas Land Use and Rural Area Land Use chapters, and a portion of Part II (including the Growth Management Policy), and the Community Design Guidelines.
ITEM TYPE: Regular Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Filardo, Barnes, McDermott, Swartzendruber, Kanellopoulos, Holt
PRESENTER (S): Tonya Swartzendruber, Planning Manager and Ben Holt, Senior Planner II
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Albemarle County is updating the Comprehensive Plan through the Albemarle County 2044 (AC44) project. The project is in Phase 3: drafting language for the four-part Comprehensive Plan document and developing Plan actions.
The revised document language of the following components in Attachment B is built upon community input and reflects the Planning Commission's feedback and Board's direction.
Part II - Growth Management Policy and related sections (portion of Part II), Part III - Rural Area Land Use, Part III - Development Areas Land Use (entire chapters), and Appendix - Community Design Guidelines (portion of the Appendix).
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality of life - Encourage a vibrant community with economic and recreational opportunities that serve all community members.
DISCUSSION: The draft document revisions are based on the feedback received from the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors when the original text was presented at the following work sessions:
Growth Management Policy: PC 10/08/24 and BOS 10/16/24
Development Areas Land Use: PC 10/22/24 and 11/12/24, BOS 11/06/24 and 11/20/24
Rural Area Land Use: PC 11/19/24 and 12/20/24, BOS 01/08/25
Community Design Guidelines: PC 12/19/23 and 2/13/24, BOS 3/20/24
An updated AC44 outli...
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