AGENDA DATE: 3/20/2024
Public Private Transportation Act Guidelines
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Review and consider adoption of guidelines to enable the Public Private Transportation Act for local transportation projects
ITEM TYPE: Regular Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Rosenberg, Bessette, Stewart, Dumars
PRESENTER (S): Lance Stewart
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: The Virginia Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995 (PPTA), codified in Chapter 18 of Title 33.2 of the Code of Virginia, provides a framework for transportation public-private partnerships (P3s), enabling public entities in Virginia to enter into agreements with private entities to develop and/or operate qualifying transportation facilities. The PPTA's purpose is to encourage investment by private entities by providing more flexible and efficient approaches to finance and operate transportation facilities, to improve safety, reduce congestion, and increase capacity. The PPTA provides alternative financing structures, expedited project execution, and “deal structures” that are beneficial to both parties, when there is a finding of public interest for a transportation project.
Before the County may procure under the PPTA, the Board of Supervisors must first adopt guidelines that articulate the process to be followed by staff, including the establishment of a team to review proposals.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Infrastructure & Placemaking - Invest in infrastructure and amenities that create connection, opportunity, and well-being.
DISCUSSION: The proposed PPTA guidelines are provided as Attachment A. The guidelines establish procedures for how to receive and review unsolicited proposals as well as how to solicit proposals for County-identified transportation projects; the schedule to review proposals; the form that proposals must take; posting requirements for proposals; proposal evaluation and selection procedures; and other areas.
If adopted, the guidelines enable use of the PPTA to meet the County’s transportation needs by forming a P3 to deliver a project with significant benefits to residents.
BUDGET IMPACT: There is no budget impact associated with adoption of the guidelines. The terms of an individual agreement using PPTA would identify local funding obligations.
Staff recommends the Board adopt the Resolution (Attachment B) to approve the Public Private Transportation Act Guidelines (Attachment A).
A - Public Private Transportation Act Guidelines
B- Resolution