AGENDA DATE: 4/6/2022
Fiscal Year 2022 Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Local Government Agreement
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Approve FY 22 agreement with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) for the provision of public health services through the Blue Ridge Health District (BRHD)
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson; Kamptner; Herrick; Birch; Sumner
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Virginia Code § 32.1-31 allows local governing bodies to enter into contracts with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) for the operation of local health departments. It also requires that these contracts specify the services to be provided in addition to those required by law and contain such other provisions as the VDH and the governing body may agree on. The County’s contract specifies both the scope and costs for the services to be provided locally.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Mission Statement - To enhance the well-being and quality of life for all community members through the provision of the highest level of public service consistent with the prudent use of public funds.
DISCUSSION: The Blue Ridge Health District (BRHD), in cooperation with the VDH, is the primary provider of public health services and programs for Albemarle County and surrounding localities. BRHD offers specific health programs targeted at preventing and controlling infectious diseases, as well as initiatives aimed at improving the health of low-income women, children, and infants. In addition, BRHD provides an inspection and monitoring program to ensure the safety of food and private well/septic systems. These services are funded cooperatively by the state, County, and other neighboring jurisdictions. Non-local funding for these BRHD programs is provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia, grants, and fees charged to individual clients. The localities served by BRHD provide matching local funds for the allocations made by the state and allocate resources for Local-Only Programs, such as food safety. The VDH requires that local governments enter into agreements stipulating the scope of health services to be provided by the health districts in their respective jurisdictions.
The proposed Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 22) Agreement (Attachment A) outlines the respective obligations of the County and VDH. The state’s contribution decreased by $13,410, for a total of $898,290, this fiscal year, and the County’s required funding increased by $16,177, for a total of $821,999. Further, $29,757 will be carried forward from the previous year-end BRHD closing balance into FY 22. These funds are 100% local funding. According to the most recent BRHD funding application information, the increase in County funding and the carry-forward funding is to support the Community Health Worker position and the associated costs of the Yancey Community Center clinic that serve southern Albemarle.
Attachment B sets forth the services to be provided.
BUDGET IMPACT: Pursuant to the funding formula set by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission and based on the state’s FY 22 contribution of $898,290 to the BRHD, the County’s required FY 22 funding includes local matching funds of $734,965, and $87,034 in 100% local funds, for a total of $821,999 in local funds for this fiscal year. Further, $29,757 will be carried forward from BRHD’s FY 21 year-end closing balances into FY 22; all of which are local funds.
Based on the vital nature of the services provided by the BRHD, staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment C) to approve the FY 22 Virginia Department of Health (VDH) Local Government Agreement (Attachment A) and to authorize the County Executive to execute that Agreement after it is approved as to form by the County Attorney.
A - FY 22 Local Government Health Department Agreement
B - Attachment to FY 22 Local Government Health Department Agreement
C - Resolution