AGENDA DATE: 6/7/2023
Resolution of Intent for a Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) for a New Category of County-wide Certificate of Appropriateness
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Resolution of Intent for a Zoning Text Amendment to add a new category of County-wide Certificate of Appropriateness for properties on which the County has entered into a public-private partnership
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Rosenberg, Herrick, Filardo, McDermott, Maliszewski
PRESENTER (S): Margaret Maliszewski
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: On May 12, 2010, the Board of Supervisors adopted ZTA 2009-09 - a zoning text amendment to establish county-wide certificates of appropriateness, to allow expedited review of certain categories of development in the Entrance Corridors. For each category of development, the Architectural Review Board (ARB) adopts a set of criteria against which proposals are reviewed. Applications received under any category of development are reviewed by staff according to the ARB-adopted criteria, without being heard at an ARB meeting. This process streamlines development review and allows for quicker review times. Previously, as part of the Board adoption of ZTA 2019-06 to establish the Rio29 Form-Based Code (FBC), a new category of county-wide certificate was added for new structures, site changes, or reuse of existing structures in the Rio29 FBC Overlay District. (See Attachment A for a current list of county-wide certificates of appropriateness.) During the review of ZMA-2010-18 (Crozet Square), staff recognized that the county-wide certificate of appropriateness process also could be used to streamline the review of development proposals for sites subject to public-private partnerships.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Thriving Development Areas - Attract quality employment, commercial, and high-density residential uses into development areas by providing services and infrastructure that encourage redevelopment and private investment while protecting the quality of neighborhoods.
DISCUSSION: Establishing a category of county-wide certificate of appropriateness for development in project areas subject to public-private partnerships would provide a streamlined review process. For each category of county-wide certificate, the ARB must establish design criteria against which the subject development will be reviewed for consistency. Those criteria would be established on a case-by-case basis for each public-private partnership. If the Resolution of Intent (ROI) were adopted, the ZTA would be scheduled for review first by the Planning Commission and then by the Board.
BUDGET IMPACT: No budget impact is expected.
Staff recommends adoption of the proposed Resolution of Intent (Attachment B).
A - Current categories of County-wide Certificates of Appropriateness
B - Resolution of Intent