AGENDA DATE: 1/10/2024
Route 20 Shared Use Path Analysis Memorandum
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Receive analysis of Route 20 Shared Use Path alternatives for information
ITEM TYPE: Consent Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Filardo, McDermott, Hersh-Ballering
PRESENTER (S): Jessica Hersh-Ballering
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Albemarle County’s Southern and Western Neighborhoods Master Plan (2015) and the regional Jefferson Area Bike and Pedestrian Plan (2019) identify Route 20 as a priority bike and pedestrian connection. Currently, City of Charlottesville sidewalks do not continue south of Druid Avenue and a bike lane on the east side does not continue south of Quarry Road. Albemarle County successfully applied for Smart Scale funding to construct a roundabout at the intersection of Route 20 and Route 53; the proposed design for this roundabout includes a shared use path along the east side of Route 20.
Once the roundabout is constructed, there will be an approximately one-mile gap in bike and pedestrian infrastructure along this corridor, between Quarry Road and Route 53. Completing this gap with a shared use path would facilitate multimodal access for bicyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. Specifically, it would improve access to educational, cultural, recreational, and employment opportunities at Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) and Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello.
Constructing a shared use path along Route 20 from Quarry Road to Route 53 is technically challenging due to free-flow on- and off-ramps for Interstate 64 on both the east and west sides of this segment, width limitations at both the I-64 underpass and the bridge over Moore’s Creek, and topography that slopes towards a stream (Cow Branch) on the east side of Route 20. A previous feasibility study led by the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization (CA-MPO) suggested locating a shared use path along the center median, but the Policy Board determined not to move forward with that concept in 2020.
Albemarle County staff engaged consultants from Line + Grade to further evaluate options and develop conceptual designs for a shared use path along Route 20 from Quarry Road to Route 53 as part of a Route 20 Conceptual Design Study.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Infrastructure & Placemaking - Invest in infrastructure and amenities that create connection, opportunity, and well-being.
DISCUSSION: Prior to the development of the potential design alternatives, the consultants met with a stakeholder group to gather additional information. Invitees to the stakeholder group included staff from Albemarle County, City of Charlottesville, CA-MPO, VDOT, Monticello, and PVCC; representatives from the Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards were also invited.
Following the development of these designs, staff shared the design alternatives with the public at the June 2023 meeting of the 5th and Avon CAC; the design alternatives were also shared on the County website with directions to comment on the designs. The consulting team then met with the stakeholder group in early July 2023 to present the potential design alternatives and receive feedback. On July 19, 2023, staff presented these two design alternatives with the Board for feedback.
In response to the feedback and questions raised by the public, stakeholder group, and Board , staff directed the consultants to prepare a memo that provided more extensive analysis of the benefits and challenges of both designs and to make a recommendation for a preferred alternative. This memo is included as Attachment A. The two potential design alternatives are included as Attachment B.
BUDGET IMPACT: The Route 20 Conceptual Design Study utilized FY 24 funding. Further design, engineering, and construction funding will be considered as part of future transportation priority work with the Board.
Staff recommends that the Board review the attached memo. The memo is provided for information only. Staff are not immediately seeking funding to complete further design or construction for bicycle and pedestrian improvements along this section of the Route 20 corridor.
A - Route 20 Design Alternatives Analysis Memo
B - Route 20 Design Alternatives Analysis Memo Appendix