AGENDA DATE: 2/16/2022
Resolution to Request Split Precinct Waiver from State Board of Elections
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Resolution to authorize the submission of a request for a waiver from the State Board of Elections to create a split voting precinct as part of the 2022 local redistricting process
ITEM TYPE: Consent Action Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Walker, Kamptner, Bessette, Washburne
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Virginia Code § 24.2-307 now requires the elimination of split voting precincts. It provides that, if a split precinct cannot be eliminated, the local governing body may request a waiver to administer a split precinct.
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality Government Operations - Ensure County government’s capacity to provide high quality service that achieves community priorities
DISCUSSION: As a part of 2022 state redistricting, the majority of Albemarle County has been placed in the 5th District of the US House of Representatives. However, a sliver of land in the northwest corner of Albemarle County has been placed in the 7th District. The sliver has fewer than 100 registered voters. Virginia Code §24.2-307 prohibits the creation of a voting precinct that has fewer than 100 registered voters. However “[i]f a governing body is unable to establish a precinct with the minimum number of registered voters without splitting the precinct between 2 or more congressional districts . . . it shall apply to the State Board for a waiver to administer a split precinct.” Because the sliver has fewer than 100 registered voters, staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors apply to the State Board for a waiver to administer a split precinct. Staff anticipates that, regardless of which local redistricting plan is adopted, the sliver will remain within the Free Union precinct. Although distributing the correct ballots to voters in this precinct will present the same challenges as administering a split precinct always has, experience indicates that this will be manageable. Accordingly, the Electoral Board and registrar ask that the Board of Supervisors request a split precinct waiver from the State Board of Elections.
BUDGET IMPACT: The adoption of the proposed Resolution will have no budget impact.
Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution (Attachment A) to authorize the submission of a request for a waiter to the State Board of Elections (Attachment B) to create a split voting precinct as part of the 2022 local redistricting process.
A - Proposed Resolution
B - State Board of Elections Waiver Request Form