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File #: 25-117    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Report Status: Consent Agenda (no vote)
File created: 2/18/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 3/5/2025 Final action:
Title: Cost of Community Services Study
Attachments: 1. Att.A - Albemarle County Cost of Community Services Study
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AGENDA DATE:  3/5/2025




Cost of Community Services Study



SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST:   Receive the Albemarle County Cost of Community Services Study


ITEM TYPE:  Consent Information Item


STAFF CONTACT(S):  Richardson, Wall, Filardo, Barnes, Maliszewski, Clark




LEGAL REVIEW:   Not Required


REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson


BACKGROUND:  During Planning presentations to the Board in 2022 regarding rural-area land uses and land-conservation programs, the Board directed staff to provide more information on the fiscal implications of rural land development and land conservation.

Staff research indicated that Virginia counties often use the Cost of Community Services Study approach to quantify the revenues and public expenditures associated with general categories of land use (residential, commercial, and agricultural/open space). The Community Development Department contracted with the Weldon Cooper Center, which has written these studies for several Virginia localities, to provide a report for Albemarle.

As this information is relevant to upcoming work sessions on the comprehensive plan AC44, staff is distributing the Weldon Cooper study for the Board’s information (Attachment A).


STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality of Life - Encourage a vibrant community with economic and recreational opportunities that serve all community members


DISCUSSION:  As noted in the Executive Summary of the study (Attachment A, pages 1-2), this study method computes a ratio of expenditures to revenues for each land-use category. If the ratio is above one, that land use creates a fiscal deficit. If the ratio is below one, that land use demands less in services than it provides in revenue.

The calculated cost/revenue ratios for Albemarle County in FY 2022 were as follows:

These results are generally consistent with the patterns found in Virginia and in other states.

The study notes that “Albemarle County’s residential and agriculture/open space ratios are slightly higher than found in other studies while the commercial/industrial ratio is somewhat lower.”


BUDGET IMPACT: There is no budget impact associated with the presentation of this report.




This report is for information only. Staff welcomes the Board’s feedback regarding the study’s contents and findings.


A: Albemarle County Cost of Community Services Study