AGENDA DATE: 2/12/2025
AC44: RA and DA Land Use Chapter and Growth Management Policy Revisions
SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request for Board feedback on the revised policies, Objectives, and Actions of the following: Part III - Development Areas Land Use and Rural Area Land Use chapters, and a portion of Part II (including the Growth Management Policy), and the Community Design Guidelines.
ITEM TYPE: Regular Information Item
STAFF CONTACT(S): Richardson, Wall, Filardo, Barnes, McDermott, Swartzendruber, Kanellopoulos, Holt
PRESENTER (S): Tonya Swartzendruber, Planning Manager and Ben Holt, Senior Planner II
LEGAL REVIEW: Not Required
REVIEWED BY: Jeffrey B. Richardson
BACKGROUND: Albemarle County is updating the Comprehensive Plan through the Albemarle County 2044 (AC44) project. The project is in Phase 3: drafting language for the four-part Comprehensive Plan document and developing Plan actions.
The revised document language of the following components in Attachment B is built upon community input and reflects the Planning Commission’s feedback and Board’s direction.
Part II - Growth Management Policy and related sections (portion of Part II), Part III - Rural Area Land Use, Part III - Development Areas Land Use (entire chapters), and Appendix - Community Design Guidelines (portion of the Appendix).
STRATEGIC PLAN: Quality of life - Encourage a vibrant community with economic and recreational opportunities that serve all community members.
DISCUSSION: The draft document revisions are based on the feedback received from the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors when the original text was presented at the following work sessions:
Growth Management Policy: PC 10/08/24 and BOS 10/16/24
Development Areas Land Use: PC 10/22/24 and 11/12/24, BOS 11/06/24 and 11/20/24
Rural Area Land Use: PC 11/19/24 and 12/20/24, BOS 01/08/25
Community Design Guidelines: PC 12/19/23 and 2/13/24, BOS 3/20/24
An updated AC44 outline is provided as Attachment A. As a reminder, the topics within the red box will be the focus of today’s work session. This work session focuses on proposed comprehensive plan language within Attachment B, specifically:
1. Does the Board agree with the revisions to the Growth Management Policy?
2. Does the Board agree with the Community Design Guidelines as proposed?
3. Does the Board agree with the revisions to the Development Areas and Rural Areas Land Use chapters?
4. Does the revised DALU Objective 4 and new actions reflect the desire to balance development with nature?
5. What is the Boards direction regarding: Development Areas Boundaries, Transfer of Development Rights, and Small/Rural-Scale Uses?
Based on discussion related to the Rural Area during the January 8 work session, staff has included background information in Attachments C & D related to Development Areas Boundaries. Additional information related to Transfer of Development Rights and Small/Rural-Scale Uses and Rural Communities is provided in Attachment C.
A summary of all revisions is provided in Attachment E.
BUDGET IMPACT: There is no budget impact associated with this agenda item.
Staff requests the Board review and provide feedback on the revised draft Comprehensive Plan including a portion of Part II, Part III - Rural Area Land Use and Development Areas Land Use chapters, and a portion of the Part IV Appendix.
A - AC44 Outline
B - Draft AC44 Document
C - Draft Criteria for Boundary Revision
D - Related Background Information
E - Summary of Revisions